main : on the edge of doubt

On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Disposable Heroes -Metallica

I'm leaving this up coming Monday. Dammit, it's already Wednesday night... in a way, I'm kinda scared to go. Well, not /scared/, really, but... wary, maybe? I don't know, I had a good word in my head while I was typing, but I lost it. I lose words too well, better than I've lost anything else.

I'm looking at doujinshis on E-bay for some reason. Even if I decide to bid on any, it won't come in time. Too bad, too. They had a really cheap Naruto doujinshi up yesterday. Namely a KakashixIruka one. Oh well, maybe when I get my computer at MOS school, Aestheticism while still have the ones they have and I can buy it there. But I'm mainly going through and I'm noticing I'm looking at a lot of the Digimon and Dragonball titles, seeing if they have any from the Tamers season (takatoxhenry/jenrya) or TrunksxGohan. I don't know why, though. I mean, I /hate/ Dragonball...

I wish I could draw. Just... /something/...

Oh, speaking of which, this picture isn't for the squimish^^;;

Vocal and Orgel

I love this picture just because I'm a mean, cold-hearted bitch. I also wish I had a livejournal, just so I could join in on Robot Masters. Actually, it's called Sex Kittens R Us, but I thought you guys might understand why I like it if I put up the other name^^;;

Anime/Manga of the moment: Naruto/Hamelin no Violin-hiki
Game of the moment: Rock Man Battle Network/Zero
Character of the moment: Zero [Rock Man Zero]
Couple of the moment: Elec and Magnet [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment: Deacon Blue -Steely Dan

what do you doubt?
those that are

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