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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Snowball in Hell -They Might be Giants

Things are going okay for me, I guess. I went to the hospital this morning because I twisted my knee when I was getting tossed around during combat soccer yesterday morning. The good thing: I only have a sprained knee. The bad thing: I have shin splints and am now on light duty for at least a month. How sad is that?

But, oh well. I don't really care about that right now because I don't feel like it. On a much happier note, I think I'm starting to get my Rock Man writing skills back today. Not only did I finish one of the side stories: From the Blood of Eve, but also the first part to my next HoU series: Thunder Child 1.

In today's news, for some odd reason, this idea stuck in my head. Even though the sketching really sucks because I spent all of twenty minutes on it, maybe not even /that/, I decided to put it up anyway, just because, well, it kinda convays the relationship between the three. It's about Ring, Magnet and Pharaoh. Pharaoh and Ring are brothers and Ring tries to take care of Pharaoh- because he thinks worrying about oneself if selfish and that selfishness is a weakness, it's kinda complicated -and Pharaoh respects him for that. However, if he starts being nice to Ring, that would show him as a weakness. However, Ring is the only one that has escaped Magnet's clutches because Pharaoh is always there to stop him and Pharaoh is the only one that would ever dare to defy Magnet. Especially when it comes to getting some ass.

Whatever, though, you know? Because the sketches still suck ass. And they're kinda hard to see on the first page. And a bit hard to read because my penmanship REALLY sucks.

Doujin Sketch
pg1 pg2

Anyway, here's what they say:

Magnet: Well, well. Look what the cat finally caught.

Magnet: Oushi*! What are you doing?

Pharaoh: Don't.

Magnet: What?

Pharaoh: He's my family.

If you don't know what 'Oushi' means, go look at the last chapter in The One Who had Fallen

Anime/Manga of the moment: One Piece/Naruto
Game of the moment: Kingdom Hearts/Rock Man
Character of the moment: Zorro [One Piece]
Couple of the moment: Iruka and Kakashi/Sanji and Zoro/Riku and Sora [Naruto/One Piece/Kingdom Hearts]
BGM of the moment: Lady is a Tramp -They Might be Giants

what do you doubt?
those that are

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