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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Song of Mana ~ Ending Theme- Yoko Shimomura [Legend of Mana]

Damn... I found a lot of old doodles that I never really planned on either completing or putting up... but I'm gonna put up, anyway. Those and the ones I doodled when I got back. It's wierd. At boot camp, I couldn't think of anything to draw. Then when I got back, the dam exploded, so to speak.

So, more or less, the next couple of days will show a bunch of new stuff, so check back often, okay?

Oh, yes. I found out that I have recruiter's assitant. So I'll be here for an extra ten days. Isn't that spiffy keen? Now... to get /one/ /person/ to sign up so I can get promoted...

Also found out that my MOS is combat illustrator and I'll be going to school up in Forte Meade (not too far from where i currently live) for 11 weeks. Not bad, really. I just hope my first station will be overseas...

Anyway, here's the first picture of the lot I'll be putting up.

Bart and Billy

Bart and Billy from Xenogears. Not the best picture I've done of them, but I really like it for some reason. I'm debating on coloring it or not... of course, me being the lazy bum I am, I probably won't out of default. Or something.

Anime/Manga of the moment: Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise
Game of the moment: Final Fantasy IV
Character of the moment: Pharaoh/Slash [Rock Man IV/VII]
Couple of the moment: Pharaoh and Magnet [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment:Comatose (In the Arms of Slumber) -Eagle Eye Cherry

what do you doubt?
those that are

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