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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Chop Suey -System of a Down

We've got a new series to show off today. Okay, so it's not new, but.

I got to leave the office three hours early today. Not for the same reason I left two hours early yesterday. Yesterday was because we had nothing to do. Today, I was feeling awful. I didn't know why, but my stomach was killing me. It started about an hour before lunch and just got worse. I slept in the office for almost an hour before the Gunny told me to go home. I feel bad for it, but I feel better because now I'm all rested up.

Anyway, today's picture features (asides from my inability to properly type tonight) the Generals of Hameln no Violin-hiki, or The Violinist of Hameln playing the instruments they were named after. For the most part. Well, you know, Sizer plays her scythe like a flute and I have no idea what an orgel is, Bass is playing a bass guitar instead of the string instrument and... well, I had to have Guitar's deer doing /something/! Another picture I'm debating on coloring but eventually gave up on wanting to.

Mazoku Band
mazoku band

Surprising enough, I actually rather like it...

Anime/Manga of the moment: Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Game of the moment: Final Fantasy V
Character of the moment: Freeze/Slash [Rock Man VII]
Couple of the moment: Snake and Freeze [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment: Nosteratu -Blue Oyster Cult

what do you doubt?
those that are

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