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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Promised Land -Loren and Mash [Neon Genisis Evangelion]

Okay, this idea came from a roundrobin that we were doing on the Hamelin Yaoi ML. Basically, for some reason Vocal forced Orgel into a little, frilly pink dress. And I decided, why the hell not? -and I drew it. It was also to test out my markers which I had just bought a little while before I created it.

Don't have much to say, I'm kinda tired and a bit bored. Went to see Star Wars II Saturday night. Man, that movie sucked. It was boring and a lot of the CG they had looked disgusting. Sure, there were some cool action parts, but the only part I really found enjoyable was the dueling Yoda and really anything that had to do with Jango or Bobba Fett, just because kick-ass bounty hunters are the coolest. But we went to IHOP at 3 in the morning after it, so I suppose something good came out of it.

Orgel's Dress
orgel dress

He's cute, for a cross-dressing, psycho clown-corpse thing.

Anime/Manga of the moment: Final Fantasy: Unlimited/Hamelin no Violin-hiki
Game of the moment: Final Fantasy V
Character of the moment: Freeze/Slash [Rock Man VII]
Couple of the moment: Snake and Freeze [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment: Can't Get you Outta my Head -VOX [Neon Genisis Evangelion]

what do you doubt?
those that are

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