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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Save Tonight -Eagle-Eye Cherry

I [heart] Eagle-Eye. And I love this song. It's really fitting for tonight because I'll be leaving for NC in about half an hour. Well, to get to the bus station so I can go there. I really won't be leaving until later.

Bought his first CD today. I'm happy. Along with Tales from Watership Down by Richard Adams, the wonderful sequel to his lovely Watership Down, my all-time favorite book. And Colors of Magic, the first book to Terry Pracket's ever growing Discworld series. Also lots of snackies. Wooo! *still needs to pick up a drink, though* It's a long trip because it's got some major detours...

Anyway, here's the Enforcers. Going from right to left: The big guy with the cigar in his mouth is Hard. He smokes because the the monoxide from it helps to move his rather impressive/excessive girth around. It gives him more power. Next to him, the one with the shades is Flash. He wears them because he can still use his time stopper skill and it protects him from the effects. When he's in armor though, his power is more controled. Leaning on him is Plant. The two are kinda off-n-on lovers. They annoy the hell out of each other and always argue, but keep falling into bed together. Kinda like Pharaoh and Magnet, except not as extreme, angsty or with the 'love' factor... Then there's Skull, the kinda goth-like dude. He's pretty dense and acts like a kid. He's a maniacal innocent, I suppose. Snake is Skull's best friend, and he's pretty skater-ish. He likes to live fast and hard, annoying people and is, more or less, an idiot. They're both kinda like the kids of the group. In the back is Magnet on the right and Pharaoh on the left. The two leaders of the group.

And those are the all-might, fear-inspiring Enforcers. Pretty, aren't they? Well *eyes Hard* for the most part.

The Enforcers

Well then. Adieu for now, everyone. And I'll have plenty more pics for you all to look at when I return!

In other news: S. Korea is beating France's ass at the World Cup! Wooohooo! XD

Anime/Manga of the moment: Naruto
Game of the moment: Lost Vikings/Zombies Ate my Neighbors
Character of the moment: Slash [Rock Man VII]
Couple of the moment: Kyle and Conner [Green Lantern/Green Arrow]
BGM of the moment: Comatose~In the Arms of Slumber -Eagle-Eye Cherry

what do you doubt?
those that are

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