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On the Edge of Doubt

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current bgm: Unmei no Route -Ogata Megumi [Magic Knight Rayearth]

Finall back from MCT! That was actually harder than boot camp, a lot more physical. I actually picture boot camp to be more like MCT, I'm sure many people did^^;;

I also moved to my MOS school already. It's at Fort Meade, Maryland, only about an hour away from my home. My mom's happy. I'm starting school on the first, I'm going into graphic design. No surprise there, huh? I'm home for the long weekend so I pack stuff to move to the barracks.

We have a dog in the barracks. He's a boxer, big, friendly sort that tried to chew on my tenny runners with my feet still in them. His name is Bruno and he's a PFC=he outranks me. I got a roomie who was actually at MCT with me. We're getting along fine so far, but we've only been there for about two days at most. We check in at a good time^^ She's bringing a boom box and TV, I'm buying a PS2 and we're both bringing our computers. We need to go to the phone center and get a line so we can connect on-line.

As far as MCT went, everyone that went came out sick. I mean, I got congestions from hell going on here and my throat is killing me everytime I cough which is every half minute or so. My feet also hurt. The second day of training, I got some mean-ass blisters and they never got better. The corpsman said my feet were one giant hotspot they're so sensitive and they're all torn up and numb and my ankles hurt walking just normally. There was only one girl with feet worse than mine and hers were bleeding. One of the NCOs took a habit to calling her 'Bloody Stumps' oO;;

We hiked a damn lot, threw live gernades *wonders if anyone heard the story of the kid that get hurt during the exercise a few weeks back*, shot (simulated)rocket launchers, (real) gernade launchers, (real) machine guns, then we had land navigation in daylight and night with no lights of any sort. Then came the 3-Day War. There were four platoons in the series, 1st and 2nd vs. 3rd and 4th (4th=females) and it really only lasted two days. We had to dig fighting holes, got very little sleep, went on patrols and- the coolest part only a selected few participated in in which I was one of them -we did a surprise attack on 1st and 2nd in which we totally overran them. They tried to retaliate in the same later that day, but they couldn't get past two walls of Constintine Wire. They only had one so it was easy to bypass.

But I'm totally loving my barracks already. I guess it's a prerequisite that all military photographers/artists/journalists must be wierd. In fact, I'm part tempted to start an on-line comic based on those guys. It's a lot fun and I haven't even start school yet.

Anyway, because I couldn't decide which picture to put up, and to celebrate my return, I decided to do a double feature. The first picture is Crash and Quick in full armor: brothers and best friends. And 2/3 of the Idiot Trio. The second picture is Slash and Roll. Asides from Freeze, Roll was the only one that Slash would actually talk to without any of his scathing wit. Well, back when things didn't... um.... well, back when everyone didn't die.

Crash and Quick

Slash and Roll

And yes, I'm still pissed off that the Red Wings won the Stanely Cup again. But, asides from that, I ask:

Who let the dogs out?

Anime/Manga of the moment: Naruto/Weiss Kreuz
Game of the moment: Rock Man Battle Network
Character of the moment: Freeze/Slash [Rock Man VII]
Couple of the moment: Slash and Roll [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment: Prism -Tange Sakura [Card Captor Sakura]

what do you doubt?
those that are

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