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current bgm: Happy Days -Mitsuishi Kotono [Maze: The Mega-Burst Space]

Well, I told you that I was getting re-obsessed with FF 4 and here I am, with a /colored/ picture! Badly colored, but in more shades than just black, white and gray.

Kain and Edge, once again, because they're so cool. They /are/ my favorite RPG characters. In fact, they regularly battle it out with Locke and Shadow from FF 6 for top two bids. The only difference is that I like drawing Kain and Edge more than Locke and Shadow for some reason, I have no idea why.

But, anyway, this is them without armor. Not in casual clothes per sae, but what they wear under the armor. And looking at the two, Edge looks so much under-accessorized compared to Kain. I guess it's 'cause he's a ninja and doesn't need it. *shrugs*

*sighs* Man... I need more than 50 differently colored pencils...

Oh, and if anyone cares (and if anyone's even reading this) that snippet I put up yesterday? I turned it into a longer snippet but not yet under the catagory of fic. It's under 500 words! That ain't no fic! Anyway, it's here:

And if anyone actually reads it, I'll be surprised. My metphorical babble loses even me constantly.

Anyways, the picture.

FF4 Duo

I still can't draw for some reason, but my hand's coming back to me slowly but surely! *cheers*

Anime/Manga of the moment: Hamarun no Baiorin-hiki (Violinist of Hamelin)
Game of the moment: Rock Man/Final Fantasy IV
Character of the moment: Kain/Edge [Final Fantasy IV]
Couple of the moment: Quick/Shadow [Rock Man]
BGM of the moment:X -X Japan

what do you doubt?
those that are

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